Expenses while the case is pending

While your claim is being processed, your employer’s insurance company pays some of the expenses you have because of the injury.

In order to get reimbursement of your expenses during the processing of your claim, you need to send the invoices to your employer’s insurance company. The invoices will be reimbursed if there is a reasonable connection with the treatment you receive as a consequence of your injury.

You should get approval in advance of your expenses so that you can be sure that the insurance company will pay.

Examples of expenses covered by the insurance company:

  • Expenses for medical examination
  • Travel expenses
  • Lost earnings
  • Expenses for meals and accommodation

Expenses for medical examination

We may ask you to be examined by your own doctor or by specialists and hospital doctors. The doctor will send the invoice for the examination/medical report to your employer’s insurance company.

Expenses for medical examinations that we have not asked for, but which for instance your lawyer or trade union has arranged, will only be reimbursed if we use the information in our processing of your claim and if the examinations have not already been paid for by others, for instance your local authority.

Travel expenses

If you have travel expenses in connection with medical examinations, treatments or buying of aids, you can get reimbursement of the expenses.

You can get reimbursement of transport expenses if you use public transport or drive your own car. You can only get reimbursement of reasonable taxi expenses if your doctor certifies that you cannot, for health reasons, use public transport or your own car, or if you live in a place where public transport is really bad.

  • If you drive your own car, you will get paid per kilometre in accordance with Government rates. In 2025 the rate is DKK 2.23 per kilometre. The employer’s insurance company will pay your expenses
  • If you use public transport, you will get paid the price of a 2nd class ticket, bus tickets, and ferry tickets. The employer’s insurance company pays your expenses. You only need to send the ticket to your employer’s insurance company
  • If you want reimbursement of reasonable taxi expenses, you must ask the taxi driver to write a receipt for you to send to your employer’s insurance company

Lost earnings

Your lost earnings will be reimbursed to a reasonable extent if the loss of earnings was caused by us requesting a medical examination.

This means that in principle you should be in the same financial position as if you had been working. You need to send your claim to your employer’s insurance company. There is a maximum for reimbursing lost earnings. 

Apart from the above, the Workers’ Compensation Act does not cover compensation for lost earnings.

In order for you to get reimbursement of lost earnings:

  • The examination must result in absence from work for more than 2 hours
  • Your employer must document your lost earnings

You have a duty to limit your absence from work by making the appointment in such a way that it affects your work as little as possible.

Example of partial cover of lost earnings
Per, who was a long-distance lorry driver, missed a 10-day job because he had to take part in a medical examination. We only reimbursed one day’s pay.

Expenses for meals and accommodation

If you have to be away from home for more than 5 hours because of examinations we have requested, your employer’s insurance company will pay reasonable expenses for meals. You can get reimbursement in accordance with Government hourly and daily rates.

You need to send your statement and any invoices to your employer’s insurance company.

If it is necessary that you spend the night away from home in connection with an examination that we have requested, your employer’s insurance company will pay you an hourly/daily rate.