What can you do with a statement?
The statement from Labour Market Insurance can include an assessment of three things:
- Permanent injury rating: the direct health consequences of the injury
- Loss of earning capacity: the permanent loss of earnings as a consequence of the injury
- Date of maximum medical improvement: the date when there is no longer any substantial, permanent improvement in the health complaints (only for injuries which occurred before 1st July 2002)
Our statements are in principle guiding statements and whether or not they wish to follow the statement is up to the parties to the case.
Some insurance companies use our statement for arbitration in connection with their cases. Such use will appear from the insurance terms.
Once we have made our statement, we consider the case closed. In special cases we are able, on request, to explain our statement in more detail.
In cases where the injured person’s health or social and occupational situation changes after the statement was made, we charge a new fee if we are asked to assess the case again. In such situations it is regarded as new information and new claims processing.
It is not possible to complain of the guiding statements, either to Labour Market Insurance or to the National Social Appeals Board (Ankestyrelsen).
If, after the statement has been made, the parties fail to agree on the assessment of the case, they may bring it before a court of law. Both parties have this option.